Teaching Stuff

  • Like Work/Life Boundaries in Teaching? Don’t Give Your Students Your Real Cell Phone Number!

    (Note: this was inspired by a mass email I received touting a service that I actually do use. I’m not being paid anything for this, but it does open up a bigger conversation about where to draw lines in the technology realm.) When I was teaching online, I had several students ask me if…

  • Don’t Get Impressed by the New Shiny

    There’s a lot of glitz in technology. When something new comes along, if it does something really cool that nothing else does, there’s something in your favor. Easy to use app? Awesome. Is it free*? There’s another plus. Are all the cool kids using it? OH MAN SIGN ME UP!! But to revisit the…

  • Considering Course Redesign…

    The institution where I work and teach is in the middle of an LMS review as I write this (mid-December 2018), and as I prepare to teach my Science Writing and Presentation class this Spring, as I prep my class in Blackboard I’ve had a few things running through my mind: If we’re possibly…

  • Good Old Fashioned Presentation Technology

    So in addition to working full-time as an educational technologist, I also teach a writing and presentation course in our School of Communications.  Now it’s all fine and good to work with students on their verbal communications (“Don’t say “like” again, you’ve uttered that word 10 times in the last 30 seconds.  Come up…

  • No, You Can’t Have My Slide Decks…Not Yours.

    Every so often I’ve read or heard about students taking instructor material and posting that material onto third-party sites. Now, these sites (which shall not be named) ostensibly claim to be there to help students, but at least on one site the more documents you upload, the more material you can access. So, being…

  • BlendKit Week 2 Reading Reaction

    Ahh…Expression. In my teaching experience at a community college and at my current institution, I’ve taught both online and face-to-face.  I’ve never taught an academic blended course (although I’ve facilitated a sort-of-blended training course). I’m really interested in student interaction.  This semester, in my traditional course, we’ve had several classes where the students had…

  • BlendKit Week 1 Reading Reaction

    BlendKit Week 1 Reading Reaction So I’m attempting BlendKit again – it’s not my first trip through the course, and last year I was pretty upset when life caught up and kept me from finishing the class.  Oh well, that’s life…right? So as I read the chapter I get hit several times with some…